
New Year, New Goals

There is only ONE DAY left in 2019 and I cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by! I hope you’re all as pleased with how your year went as I am with mine. It seems like 2019 started off (and continued to be…) rocky for a ton of people I know, myself included. I’m happy to say that I’m ending the year super strong and super happy, though! With the New Year literally around the corner, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my goals for 2020 and resolutions I’d like to set for myself.

This past year, my main goal was to work on my patience. If you know me, then you know I have none! My patience has definitely come a long way, but it’s nowhere near where I’d like it to be so I’m continuing this resolution into 2020. On top of that, I want to stop fearing change but embrace it instead. I have so many goals I want to reach and they won’t be possible if I’m afraid for things to be different!

In 2020, I have huge plans for my content. I have so many new and exciting things already set to release for you guys! Make sure you subscribe here or follow my social media so you don’t miss out on any of my new work! Every week I’ll be releasing multiple videos and my fanclub will continue to be updated daily. I’m hoping to travel to more adult conventions in order to work with other models as well! (You can check out my existing girl/girl content here.)

Finally, I have one major personal goal that I am incredibly determined to make happen in the upcoming year. I want to move to the Sunshine State! I hate the location I currently live in, from the flat and monotonous landscape to the wet, cold, and snowy seasons. I want need to live somewhere warm! Also, it’s close to the Harry Potter Theme Park which is probably my favorite place in the whole world.

What are your resolutions?! Do you have any exciting plans or big goals for 2020? I wanna hear about it! Let me know in the comments!

Thanks so much for tuning in to my blog!

Princess Kira

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