If you’ve known of me for a while, then you’ll know that I am absolutely obsessed with Harry Potter! I even have two tattoos related to the books! (I have the Deathly Hallows on my right wrist and the Dark Mark on my left forearm!)
I had dreamed of being able to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park ever since I heard of its opening! In April 2019, I made those dreams come true for the very first time! During my very first visit to Universal Studios, I even got to meet The Blues Brothers!! That has been my all time favorite movie for eight years now!
I got to live my dreams again in November 2019! I visited the Harry Potter theme park for the second time EVER! Unfortunately the waits were so long for the newest ride, Hagrid’s Motorbike Adventure, that I had to skip out on it! The other two featured rides, Escape from Gringotts and the Forbiddin Journey were super awesome! I loved how immersive the rides were! Everything that happened during them was incredibly realistic, and getting to walk through the halls of Hogwarts and Gringotts as I waited to board the rides was really the icing on the cake!

Of course I had to try some of the treats from the Wizarding World during my trip! I always stop by Florene Fortescue’s Ice Cream shop! During my first visit I tried one of the flavors which is featured in the books; chocolate and raspberry ice cream. (I opted for no chopped nuts). But I didn’t try the other flavor–strawberry peanut butter! For literal months I dreamt about getting to try that flavor! When I made my dreams come true, it was sooo sweet!
I also tried a secret alcoholic drink at the Hog’s Head Inn! It’s called a Pear Dazzle and it’s made from lemonade, non-alcoholic pear cider, soda, and one shot of vodka! I’m not a drinker at all and even I could handle this light, fruity drink.
I always have such an incredible time when I visit the theme parks! I cannot WAIT until I can visit again! I’m aiming to go again soon! Wish me luck! Enjoy some other photos from my trips: